Panasonic Australia's The Ideas Kitchen provides recipes and tips on how to get the most out of their convection microwave ovens, bread makers, rice cookers, and other Panasonic appliances.

Junior Muesli Bars

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Junior Muesli Bars

Our home-made Muesli Bars are a healthy snack choice because not only do they keep you full for hours, they don't contain a lot of sugar as well. You'll love the simple flavours from the wholesome ingredients, and your kids will too! Make a batch on Sunday with your kids using our Junior Menu setting in your Panasonic Convection Microwave oven for a quick and easy on-the-go breakfast.
Servings: 8


  • 150 g Dates chopped
  • 100 g Low-fat spread
  • 3 tbsp Honey
  • 50 g Apricots chopped
  • 3 tbsp Mixed seeds
  • 150 g Oats


  • Place the chopped dates, low fat margarine and honey in a mixing bowl
  • Put the bowl onto the glass tray and cook on 600 W for 3-4 minutes
  • Add the remaining ingredients to the date mixture
  • Stir well until all combined
  • Grease the square dish and line with baking paper
  • Spoon the mixture into the dish and press down firmly with a metal spoon
  • Press Junior Menu button 8 times, and then press start