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Start with a smoothie every day this week

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Start with a smoothie every day this week

Instead of skipping breakfast in your rush to get out the door each morning, use a stick blender to whizz up a smoothie. You can drink it on the run and start your day with a lot more energy. Save even more time by using small freezer bags to prepare your ingredients for the week ahead and then pop them in the freezer. Each morning, all you’ll have to do is pour, blend and go. Bonus points for the fact that the frozen fruit and veg will make your smoothie icy cold!

Superfood smoothies for every day of the week

Monday: Café Latte Smoothie

Café Latte Smoothie

When you can’t decide if you want coffee or breakfast, combine them into one delicious Café Latte smoothie.


Tuesday: Chia Berry Smoothie

Chia Berry Smoothie

These tiny little chia seeds pack a huge superfood punch! They’re bursting with Omega 3 and fibre and make a delicious addition to any smoothie.


Wednesday: Choc Banana Blitz

Choc Banana Blitz

This smoothie tastes like a wicked milkshake treat, despite being an incredibly nutritious concoction.


Thursday: Pineapple Coconut Crush

Pineapple Coconut Crush

This smoothie is a refreshing treat and is like a tropical beach holiday in a glass… and it tastes far too good to be healthy!


Friday: Creamy Green Smoothie

Creamy Green Smoothie

It’s a green smoothie with a creamy twist, featuring coconut water, pear and spinach to pack a nutritious punch.


Feeling creative on the weekend? Build your own smoothie bowl!

Build your own smoothie bowl

Be bold with your smoothies and take them from a cup to a bowl. Magic happens when you aren’t constrained by the limits of a cup; you can make your smoothies much thicker, play around with different textures and decorate the surface with a beautiful, edible garnish. The resulting bowl is social media catnip and it will taste even better than it looks.

Build your own smoothie bowl for a superfood start to the day.

Whiz your way through the kitchen with Panasonic new stick blenders

Whiz your way through the kitchen with Panasonic new stick blenders

Panasonic stick blenders (MX–SS1BST and MX-GS1WST) let you whip up everything from smoothies, to dips, sauces and soups at the touch of the button.

Check out the Panasonic Stick Blender range.